How is Transit of Lord Moon for Sagittarius Zodiac
The Moon in Sagittarius will bestow good influence on the individual, as it is in its most friendly sign. The native will have a tendency to respond to all the situations in a quick and enthusiastic manner. His/her disposition exhibition of emotions, even in an offhand manner, will be quite balanced and prudent. Therefore, the native will often be respected for his/her opinions. But such a native will also possess a desire to express his/her views freely, which may need to be curtailed at times. The Moon in this sign often makes a person quite ambitious, which can be good if efforts to achieve goals are followed prudently. The native needs to check impulsiveness, which can sometimes put him/her in difficult situations. The native possesses a great urge to move forward, and traffic jams add to his/her impatience. The native can sometimes give the impression of knowing much more than is really the case. Hope and feelings of optimism run very high in the individual. Such unrealistic feelings need to be curtailed. To have hope is not bad but to possess it unrealistically is a recipe for disaster. When the Moon transits the ninth house in a chart, the native will possess a great desire to fulfil instinctive needs through studies. On account of weak concentration, however, he/she may not have the desired success. If a strong Moon is not assisted by the good placement of Jupiter in the chart, the native’s goals may not be fulfilled. The native may possess too many emotions, which will often not allow him/her to reach goals. Therefore, the individual most keep his/her feet on the ground rather indulge in fantasies or drift away with emotions. As already stated before, besides luck, this house denotes travel and the individual may be inclined to travel. His/her intellect is philosophical but takes moral decisions quite instinctively. But the native mostly tends to find truth that leans towards more practice and less imagination.
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